XRWA and other climate activists disrupt gas industry shindig
23 Oct 2023
The WA climate movement sent a message with loud drumming and songs for everyone attending the International Gas Union’s cocktail party at the Perth Convention Centre – we need to leave gas in the ground, starting with the North West Shelf Extension!
You can’t play footy in 50 degrees C!
4 Oct 2023
XR Vic brought a climate message to the 2023 AFL Grand Final when three rebels non-violently disrupted the pre-match parade in Melbourne by glueing themselves to the road in front of the cars carrying AFL players after four banner-holders halted the vehicles.
XRWA support for Disrupt Burrup Hub activists
30 Sept 2023
XRWA and members of the climate activist community rallied at Perth Magistrates Court on September 28 in support of four Disrupt Burrup Hub campaigners facing court on serious indictable offences.
NO to seismic blasting in Victoria's Otway Basin
19 Sept 2023
Why are we looking for new gas when our future depends on not using it? XR Vic Rebels brought whale song to the streets of Melbourne/Naarm, protesting the threatened seismic blasting as part of a global ‘Fight Fossil Fuels’ day of action.
Climate movement's messages to Labor Conference
17 Aug 2023
'It is too late for emissions reductions alone to save us' –The XR Vic Climate Update Report for Labor Conference delegates. 'Time’s up! It’s time to protect country and our climate!' – Move Beyond Coal Rally at the conference venue
Tell Woodside The Show's Over
10 July 2023
XR WA rebels took action at Perth Concert Hall at the weekend to protest the principal sponsorship arrangement between Woodside Energy and WA Youth Orchestra (WAYO).
XR WA rebel undeterred by Magistrate's inability to assess climate evidence
23 June 2023
This week rebel Liam faced Perth Magistrates Court for the final decision in the trespassing case for XR WA's November '22 glue-on at the offices of the WA Premier and Cabinet. Liam said the penalty will not affect his decision to take part in further disruptive action.
XR SA response to new anti-protest legislation in South Australia
2 June 2023
Tuesday 30th May 2023 marked exactly one year since the state Labor government declared a Climate Emergency in the South Australian Parliament. A terrible coincidence that in the early hours of the morning of the same day, the Legislative Council passed the most punitive, ill-conceived anti-protest legislation the state has ever seen.
Occupy for Climate: a monumental few days fighting for climate justice
30 May 2023
'Occupy for Climate' was organised by XR Vic in Melbourne/Naarm at the end of May as a series of actions to get the message across about runaway warming and societal collapse. A camp-out in the gardens near Victoria's Parliament House continued throughout, in spite of council objections.
XR SA at APPEA: a week protesting state sell-out to oil and gas corporations
20 May 2023
The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference in Adelaide was the trigger for five days of Climate protests by Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other groups.
Mothers Day of Action: global event begins in Melbourne
17 May 2023
A circle of mothers and care-givers from Melbourne kicked off a global series of actions by sharing their determination to deliver their children climate justice.
XR Vic hunger strikers: famine caused by climate collapse stalks the world
14 May 2023
The hunger strike outside Victoria's Parliament House was a deeply personal and non-disruptive form of civil disobedience, drawing attention to the effects of the climate and ecological emergency. If governments won't listen to calls for urgent action, more disruptive tactics are inevitable in the coming XR Vic campaign between 25 and 27 May.
XR Vic raise giant banner over Melbourne
29 Apr 2023
An XR Vic rebel climbed the Arts Centre Melbourne spire at dawn to hang a banner launching XR's 25-27 May 'Occupy for Climate' campaign.
XR Tasmania: Earth Day Hobart and rebel court appearance
24 Apr 2023
Taiko drummers, inspiring speakers, passion and unity were all part of the Earth Day 2023 celebrations in Hobart/nipaluna, organised by XR Northern Tasmania.
Perth Stops For Climate
19 Apr 2023
XRWA hosted a rally in the CBD of Perth, Western Australia, against fossil fuel subsidies and the relentless destruction caused by fossil fuel giants such as Woodside.
Protest group Rising Tide demand the cancellation of all new coal projects
17 Apr 2023
Protesters organised by Rising Tide climbed on a train at the world’s biggest coal export terminal in Newcastle NSW, and began shovelling coal out of the wagons. XR members were among the 50 climate activists arrested.
XR SA protest at Santos 2023 AGM
9 Apr 2023
Extinction Rebellion SA were at the Adelaide Convention Centre on 6 April in support of Tiwi and Gomeroi representatives attending the Santos AGM, to hold board members and executives to account for their destructive actions.
XR Brisbane says - we’re out of time
20 Mar 2023
Blinky the giant burning koala was the centrepiece of XR Brisbane's climate protest, held in the lead-up to the Senate debate on a law supposed to reduce emissions and the last IPCC report to be released while it is still feasible – only just – to stay within 1.5°C.
Lismore floods, one year on
1 Mar 2023
Extinction Rebellion actions across Australia commemorated the floods that devastated Lismore in 2022. We are in a climate emergency and our governments are fuelling the crisis.
XR Rainbow Rebellion celebrates the natural world at Sydney's LGBTQIA+ pride festival
27 Feb 2023
The 2023 Mardi Gras parade float featured water and woodland nymphs, animals from around the world, and the sun and wind joining to fight for our future