XR sprays right-wing think tank building in Sydney
Extinction Rebellion Australia, 2 Dec 2023
XR Rebels visited the headquarters of the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) in Sydney this week, to expose the role of right-wing think tanks in undermining democracy, setting back necessary action on climate change and threatening our survival.
The CIS think tank is backed by fossil fuel interests and is affiliated with the shadowy global Atlas Network, whose primary purpose is to create and spread propaganda to undermine any group, individual or idea that poses a threat to the interests of the fossil fuel industry.
See the November 2023 study by Jeremy Walker on ResearchGate:
Big Oil, Whales and Offshore Wind: Fossil-funded Atlas Network 'think-tank' disinformation is driving misinformed community opposition to the vitally important Illawarra Renewable Energy Zone and Atlas Network's fossil-fuelled campaign against the Voice
...and the Independent Australia article:
Atlas Network's fossil-fuelled campaign against the Voice
★ ★ ★ Don't miss the University of Technology (UTS) Webinar on Fri 8th Dec 2023, 10:00 am - 12 noon AEDT
The Atlas Network: Big Oil, Climate Disinformation and Constitutional Democracy
The Daily Mail reported that a protester was armed with a carton of drained eggs which had been re-filled with paint and that the eggs were thrown towards the offices on level one on the building at 131 Macquarie St. where the CIS is based.
Inside the building, rebel Trish from XR SA sprayed CIS = Atlas Network = fossil fuel $$$ = climate lies dressed as the truth in orange paint on the lobby floor. Rebels also hung eviction notices inside and outside the building, which were 'filed by the plaintiff Extinction Rebellion and Friends' against CIS and lodged in the 'Justice Court of public opinion'. Grounds for eviction included 'aggressive lobbying', branding climate activists as 'terrorists' and CIS' role in the continued support of fossil fuel industries.
Rebel Mai Nguyen, also from XR SA, used orange and yellow spray paint to write similar messages outside the building. Police officers arrived shortly afterwards. Trish and Mai were both arrested and charged and will appear before the court in January.
Mai and Trish were amongst the XR SA people who travelled to the East Coast for the Rising Tide People's Blockade and decided to detour through Sydney and join in an XR action on the way home.
The CIS was founded with grant money supplied by Santos, Shell, BHP, Rio Tinto, Western Mining Corporation and News Corp’s Adelaide Advertiser, and is a key Australian node of the Atlas Network.
Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Larissa Payne said:
“Today’s act of rebellion exposes the decades-long disinformation campaign by the Atlas Network against legitimate climate science, the development of renewable energy, climate activism, and recognition, justice and land rights for indigenous peoples.
“Through aggressive lobbying and slimy tactics like paying self-declared “experts” to write misleading scientific papers, push-polling and astro-turfing, the Atlas Network has helped set back necessary action on climate change to such a degree that we are now in a full-blown climate crisis.
“These think tanks wield major influence over the media, government policy and laws. Politicians are still approving new fossil fuel projects despite repeated urgent warnings to stop from climate scientists, climate affected communities, activists and the UN.
“People need to know the truth about the Atlas Network and how these think tanks are undermining our democracy and our survival. We have been systematically lied to, misled and manipulated over issues that are of critical importance to our survival on this planet. All for the sake of mega-profits for an industry that should no longer exist.
“We need a worldwide eviction of these destructive information factories. It’s time to stop believing Atlas’ lies and open our eyes.”