December Rebellion 2023

Actions Schedule

Last updated 28 November

Graphic version of the December Rebellion Actions Schedule described on this page

Tuesday 5 December

No actions planned.

The first day will focus on Welcome to Country, workshops, orientation, training.

Click here to jump to the events and workshops page

Wednesday 6 December

Disrupt the City Wednesday Morning

When: 7:15 am to 8:30 am

Where: Mystery location (less than 10 mins from a city loop station)

Register for Wednesday morning disruption

Join the Wednesday morning Signal group

Join us in non-violently disrupting the morning peak hour in Melbourne by walking together on a road. Sign up in advance to participate.

Blinky visits a Labor MP

When: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Where: 466 Sydney Road, Coburg (Peter Khalil, MP's Office)

Register for Blinky Visits a Labor MP

Together with Blinky (the giant burning Koala) and the Red Rebels we will pay a visit to the office of a sitting Labor MP.

This action is co-hosted by Move Beyond Coal and Extinction Rebellion.

Disrupt the City Wednesday Afternoon

When: 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm

Where: CBD location (TBA)

Register for Wednesday afternoon disuption

Join the Wednesday afternoon Signal group

We will gather, form teams, and non-violently disrupt the afternoon peak hour by walking together on a road.

Thursday 7 December

Disrupt the City Thursday Morning

When: 7:15 am to 8:30 am

Where: Mystery location (less than 10 mins from a city loop station)

Register for Thursday morning disruption

Join the Thursday morning Signal group

Join us in non-violently disrupting the morning peak hour in Melbourne by walking together on a road. Sign up in advance to participate.

Whale Song

When: 3:00 pm

Where: Meet at the steps of State Parliament, Spring Street, East Melbourne 3002

Register for Whale Song

We will bring the song of the whales into the city.

Disrupt the City Thursday Afternoon

When: 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm

Where: CBD location (TBA)

Register for Thursday afternoon disruption

Join the Thursday afternoon Signal group

We will gather, form teams, and non-violently disrupt the afternoon peak hour by walking together on a road.

Friday 8 December

Disrupt the City Friday Morning

When: 7:15 am to 8:30 am


Register for Friday morning disruption

Join the Friday morning Signal group

We will gather, form teams, and non-violently disrupt the afternoon peak hour by walking together on a road.

Earthcare not warfare

When: 11:00 am to 2:30 pm

Where: Mystery location (Melbourne CBD)

Register for Earthcare not warfare

Join the Earthcare not Warfare Signal group

Militarism drives extinction and protects the profits of the fossil fuel industry. Join us to reveal the links between war and the climate crisis. We need climate peace for climate justice. 

Come dressed all in white clothing (plain, no text). Action rehearsal scheduled for Thursday 7 December, 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Join the Signal chat for updates.


When: 4:45 pm to 7:00 pm

Where: Location TBC

Register for Discobedience

A road-based disco dancing experience that also disrupts business-as-usual.

Saturday 9 December

Mothers* Rebellion for Climate Justice

When: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Register for Mothers* Rebellion

Join the Mothers* Rebellion Signal group

Mothers' Rebellion is part of a global movement for carers of all genders. Join this peaceful gathering of concerned mothers and those who care for the future. We will sit in a circle peacefully facing the passers-by, playing music, and helping ourselves and others to connect with our climate emotions.

All-in Slow March for Climate

When: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Where: from Treasury Gardens to Flinders Street

Register for the slow march

This will be a fun march accompanied by the Red Rebels, the Sybils, Miss BeeHave and Blinky, so bring your placards and your best chanting voices.

Mass Civil Disobedience for Climate

When: 3:00 pm

Where: Flinders Street Station

Register for Mass Civil Disobedience for Climate

At the end of the Slow March for Climate, a number of us plan to sit in the intersection and refuse to move. We’d love for more to join. Will you?  We're aiming for 300. Previous such actions have resulted in a $400 fine. We anticipate no criminal charges, no court appearance and no criminal record (though we can’t guarantee).

Sunday 10 December

No actions planned.  We will come together to debrief and celebrate!

Want to know more?

Yes! Sign me up for December Rebellion

Also …  money!

Would you consider donating towards the campaign? Every little bit helps.

We wish we didn’t need money, but alas, we too are living in this capitalist hellscape. We spend the money on things like venue and equipment hire, printing flyers and posters to get the word out, art materials to make it beautiful, food for refuelling rebels and building community … you get the idea.

Donate here (if you can)