XRSA Autumn Rebellion

April – May 2024



  • XRSA Autumn Rebellion 2024

All through April and May XRSA's Autumn Rebellion actions were super heroic!

Cosplay for Climate action: XRSA are superheroes

Read more in our 'XRSA Autumn Rebellion' news article

You can find more photos, video and livestream on our socials

XRSA on Facebook

XRSA on Instagram

A Mass Rally and Sit-down to challenge the anti-protest laws

On the first anniversary of the draconian South Australian Anti-Protest Laws, hundreds of people from a diverse cross-section of groups and backgrounds came together to defend our democratic right to peaceful protest.

Read more about the March against South Australia's draconian anti-protest laws and the Mothers* Rebellion action

Marchers with banner 'Disruption to end the destruction'. Suffragettes with 'Democracy needs protection' banner.

Protect Protest Fines Fundraiser

After activists were moved on by police, eight brave rebels chose to stay until they were forcibly removed and fined.

You can chip in to help cover their costs here

Donate to the rebellion

Autumn Rebellion April - May 2024

Ongoing rebellion is only possible with you on our side.

Make a loving gift today to help power the rebellion in South Australia.

Donate to XR South Australia via Chuffed

Take action