XRWA cyclists ride 4,280 kms across Australia to petition Parliament
XR Australia, 11 Oct 2024
WA Grandparents for Climate Action cycled from Perth to Canberra to urge parliamentarians and voters to stop the development of more Gas Fields and do all they can to phase out gas.
When members of Western Australia’s Grandparents for Climate Action saw the Government’s abject failure to live up to the promises to take real and effective action on climate change, they felt that it was a tremendous betrayal, and were determined to take on an ambitious and challenging climate action.
The bicycle cavalcade was spearheaded by 81-year-old Professor Neville Bruce, who was determined to cover the full distance on pedal power alone.

Neville said, "I call on all parents and grandparents to protect the future of their children and grandchildren and immediately take action. Let the Government know how much you care: Join a climate action; write to your local MP demanding that they take action to stop the approval of new or expanded coal and gas projects, and when the election occurs, vote for the candidates who will do the most for the climate.
"I gave it my 100% commitment since my 81st birthday to deliver this message. You too can commit to the future by acting now!".

Neville said: "The purpose of our epic journey was to expose the travesty of the Australian gas industry and to call on everyone to help do something about it. Western Australia alone accounts for 60% of all Australian Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) exports that contribute directly to global heating – that’s an astounding 12% of world exports.

"The Climate Analytics organisation reports that Australia is the world’s third largest fossil fuel exporter, and the second largest exporter of fossil fuel CO₂ emissions. This causes massive global heating and promotes storms, floods and fires around the world including in Australia. For example, the people of Lismore and the Murray lands are still trying to recover from devastating floods."

Neville described the impact on cultural heritage: "Gas extraction threatens priceless centres of immense cultural and spiritual significance. Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula) a deeply sacred place on the Pilbara coast, contains the largest, oldest collection of First Nations rock art in the world, nominated for World Heritage Listing. But continued development of nearby gas processing facilities will seriously damage much of the rock art. This is yet another blow to First Nation Peoples, and to our shared global culture."

The bicycle cavalcade departed from WA Parliament House on 14th August and arrived at Parliament House in Canberra on 9th October. The cavalcade was accompanied by support vehicles and was joined by other cyclists along the way.
In South Australia, they paid a visit to Santos, which is a major gas producing organisation, accompanied by activists from XR SA, and in Melbourne they rallied with supporters outside the Victorian Parliament.

Anyone not following social media can find out more on the Cavalcade to Canberra website, which includes a daily blog of the ride with more photos.
The message of No More Gas will be presented to politicians on the return to Perth. A welcome home event and rally will be held on the 24th of October at 1pm, on the steps of WA Parliament House. Check the facebook event and come along with your friends!