Mothers Day of Action: global event begins in Melbourne
Extinction Rebellion Australia, 17 May 2023
A circle of mothers and care-givers from Melbourne kicked off a global series of actions by sharing their determination to deliver their children climate justice.
Held the day before Mothers Day, the group assembled peacefully on the forecourt of the National Gallery of Victoria. Congregating in an outward-facing circle, the group sat holding signs: some with the names of their children, others with pleas to protect their future.
"The best Mothers Day gift I could get is a safe future for my children. I am here today as an act of social disobedience, as we need to tip the social consciousness so that everyone, everywhere understands that immediate action on climate is urgent. I am going to sit with Mothers Rebellion on 13 May because I’m frightened of the world my children and their children will inherit if I don’t do something." — Cat MacLeod, Melbourne

Mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, daughters and allies came together to express their frustration at the lack of action taken by politicians and leaders. They encouraged passers-by to connect with the emotions and grief associated with the looming threats to the environment and climate.
"Women have always used their position as mothers to influence society in fighting to end wars. Mother’s Day began as an anti-war movement, let’s celebrate this sentiment for all humans, and for mums, keep rebelling." — Annie Delaney, XR Vic

'The Circle' method used in the action was organised by Mothers' Rebellion, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion. A group sits together peacefully in a public place, holding signs.
'With our circles we convey that we refuse to look away, that we refuse to give up and that we will do everything we can.' — Mothers' Rebellion
The method was replicated in a worldwide series of protests, with circles formed by local Mothers' Rebellion groups in 21 countries and 62 cities.

Determined to stand up for those who are least responsible for causing the climate crisis, Mothers' Rebellion is a growing community of women that was started in 2022. The group demands action for a sustainable and equitable global community and a healthy planet.