Action in Canberra supports XR SA campaign to dump Santos from TDU sponsorship
Extinction Rebellion Australia, 19 Jan 2023
"Time’s Up" call on Santos sportswashing as XR SA continue Tour Down Under protests and a colourful group of XR ACT cyclists and dancers occupy a Canberra city street.
A large group of cyclists swarmed through central Canberra on January 14th supported by walkers and disco dancers in solidarity with the campaign urging the Tour Down Under cycle race in Adelaide to dump title sponsor Santos. Support actions in Melbourne and further events in Adelaide will take place this week.
Extinction Rebellion ACT spokesperson Dr Sparks said: "Our cyclists and discobedience dancers are coming together today to reject fossil fuel sponsorships in sport and show our support for far more urgent climate action.
"Fossil fuel companies know their products are causing climate change. Just as big tobacco sponsorship became unacceptable in Australia for ethical and public health considerations, we want the fossil fuel industry out of sports. Governments must cut ties with an industry that is killing us.
"We are in the middle of a climate and ecological crisis. This is an emergency situation – action is urgent. Our Governments are not acting in accordance with what science tells us. Fossil fuel production must be shut down as fast as possible, not propped up with public funding. If we want a liveable planet, we cannot continue with a fossil fuel powered economy."
XR ACT bike swarm in Canberra
Extinction Rebellion SA spokesperson, Chris Johnson said: "Santos is deliberately pouring money into the Tour Down Under as they want to be seen as a socially responsible and green company. The reality is that they are the opposite."
"One of the biggest tax dodgers in the country, Santos steals from the Australian public and gives pittance back through community sponsorships in a poor attempt to improve their reputation. Santos are expanding oil and gas operations in the midst of a climate crisis”
XR SA stage a banner drop in Adelaide
The continuing Santos sponsorship is about fulfilling lobbying obligations not serving the community. The alignment of the government and Santos is no longer suitable given Labor’s climate emergency declaration last year.
XR SA 'Dump Santos' rally in Adelaide
All actions that XR SA undertakes at the TDU are designed to create public awareness of Santos' use of this event to greenwash their dirty oil and gas expansion. The actions at the TDU will not prevent any races from occurring, or jeopardise the safety of cyclists or spectators.